What is the 1.0 Church Intensive Training?
Our 1.0 Church Intensive training is what we have been teaching since the founding of CI in 2017, with various things we’ve learned along the way spiced in. It serves a few purposes:
A paradigm shift. During this training we take a fresh look at the Scriptures to better answer this question: “What does God want of His church and how do we live/lead in light of it?” We also discuss many of the lessons learned within We Are Church’s methods.
Access to resources afterwards. After the 1.0 training, alumni are invited into various forms of ongoing resources for the purpose of continued inspiration and training in pursuing this vision for the church.
An entry point into deeper relationships. For those who feel led to pursue this vision for the church, we believe it is so important to be connected with others for mutual learning and encouragement. We have created the CI Fellowship for the purpose of ongoing training, encouragement, fellowship, etc. All CI Alumni are invited into the CI Fellowship.
In our 1.0 Church Intensive training, we cover the following topics:
We Are Church Values
Biblical Leadership
Commands vs. Traditions
Wise Master Builder
The “One Another’s”
We Are Church Practices
Ongoing Support and Networking
It is important to note also what the Intensive training does not do.
It does not join you into the We Are Church network.
It does not provide covering or spiritual oversight, which we believe is the responsibility of the local church.
It does not condone division in the local church. We do not want any of these resources to be used to create any division.
Who is 1.0 Church Intensive Training for?
The 1.0 CI Training is for those who are currently or have previously been engaged in shepherding in the life of the local church, are passionate about leading within the church, and want to rethink the church according to Scripture. It is especially geared towards those currently in leadership of a local church or praying into starting a smaller, reproducing church. We know “leader” is a loose term, and can look like anything from working in youth ministry to leading worship, but you should have a heart for shepherding the body in some way.
For those who are wanting to simply "check things out," we encourage you to engage with our materials online, as the CI Online experience is for those who are desiring to take this training and put it into practice within a local church context. Our hope is that our free content on Youtube and Facebook will help those who don’t qualify for CI Online.
Upcoming Trainings
CI Online Training
This training includes 6 hours of video lessons to go through before your selected date, completed by a 4-hour Zoom call to discuss the material with leaders and participants worldwide.
Available Online Training Cohort dates:
Mar 20th, 2025 - 8:30am-12:30pm PDT
April 17th, 2025 - 8:30am-12:30pm PDT
May 15th, 2025 - 8:30am-12:30pm PDT
June 26th, 2025 - 8:30am-12:30pm PDT
Online Lab Training Cost:
Rather than charging a fee, we prefer to ask for a donation in accordance with your ability to give. The suggested donation for an individual is $80, and $120 for a married couple. We want to make sure that finances are never a barrier for anyone to receive this training. At the same time, to keep this ministry sustainable and diligent in the work of catalyzing Biblical churches everywhere, we really appreciate your contribution. (suggested donation amounts: $40/$80/$120)
If you are unable financially to make any donation, please email us at churchintensive@crazylove.org to share your situation and we will give you the ability to sign up for no charge.
2-Day Training
The 2-day Training is an in-person training spanning 2-days in a particular city. There will be a few videos to go through beforehand, with the majority of the training happening in person.
Nottingham UK, April 4th & 5th
April 4th: 10am-5pm
April 5th: 9am-4pm
Select “2-day UK: April 4th & 5th, 2025” in the application form dropdown.
2-day In-person Training Cost:
Rather than charging a fee, we prefer to ask for a donation in accordance with your ability to give. The suggested donation is £125, with married couples at £200. (suggested donation amounts: £75/£125/£200)
If you are unable financially to make any donation, please email us at churchintensive@crazylove.org to share your situation and we will give you the ability to sign up for no charge.